At First United Methodist Church, we believe that worship is our chance for us to come together and show God our love for Him.  We think worship is a combination of praise and giving thanks with a focus on learning more about our Lord and what He has planned for us.

We do this in a combined approach.  We pair Small Groups on Sundays with our worship services to give you a chance to not only worship our God but to learn about Him as well.  It’s an intentional focus on both phases of loving God.

Traditional Worship Service: (Small groups at 10am and worship begins at 11am):

Also known as a “Liturgical” service – this service is a formal service that follows the traditional Wesleyan heritage through the use of liturgy, prayer, the spoken word, and sacraments.  Our Sanctuary Choir provides music for this service, incorporating the classics, spirituals, andgospel.

Contemporary Service (9am and small groups at 10am):

In the Arbor contemporary worship, we try to offer a creative experience of worship with non-traditional methods. While the message is still sermon based, we have a diverse sounding band that plays everything from modern worship music, hymns, country, rock, and seasonal music. The sermons in the Arbor are enhanced by the use of video, drama, testimony, and more. There is only one goal in the Arbor, to lift up the name of the Lord and to point people to Him.

Small Groups (10am):

Our Small Groups are designed to bring you closer to others while learning more about God and His plan for your life.  We offer these groups in an age appropriate atmosphere for both our adults and our youth.  Check with us to find which group would fit you.

What’s the typical Sunday Schedule?
At Alex City FUMC we think that our services are for you to worship God, but you learn about His word in your life in our small groups.  Our Sundays are set up for you to attend worship as well as a small group study with other people just like you trying to find God’s plan for their life.

We offer a Contemporary Service in the Arbor at 9am and a Traditional Service in our beautiful Sanctuary at 11am.  Our Small Groups (Sunday School) are at 10am.  We strongly believe that both of these components (Service and Groups) are vital to your growth.

What about my kids?
Children are welcome to worship with their families.
Children in preschool through 6th grade are invited to join our FirstKidz small groups at 10am on the children’s hall.
Check out all we have for our kids over on our Children’s Page.

Where do I go?
You can use the Map to find our church, but when you arrive, the Traditional Services are located in the main church building while the Contemporary Services are held in the Arbor, across the street from the main church building.

What should I wear?
Our Traditional Service is just that – traditional.  While you’re welcome to come as you are, you’ll probably be more comfortable in traditional church wear (tie, slacks, dress, etc).  Our Contemporary Service is much more casual and has a “come as you are” mindset.