
When you have school-aged children, each year rolls by at an ever-increasing rate.  Our lives are dictated by our busy calendars and the school year.  We have multiple calendars, using a variety of colors to signify which child goes where and with whom.  We have carpools and group chats to help us get our children to the right field in the right uniforms.  In addition to our own jobs, there is school work, sports, clubs, presentations, music lessons, dance, and church.  On top of that, our families usually want dinner!  We get used to early mornings and late nights and daydream about the end of May. 

It’s funny how all of the hectic, controlled chaos shapes our lives over time.  We plan months and even years in advance.  School, sports, and church are staples in our lives and in our community.  I can honestly say that I had never even considered that EVERYTHING we do on a daily basis could just stop.  Every bit of our lives has been affected by a virus that we did not know the name of 6 weeks ago.  Everything that had consumed our world was suddenly…cancelled.  Abruptly, we had nowhere to go and “nothing” to do. My all-important planner is essentially insignificant.   

Even as our calendars have been cleared, we can have hope that the Lord will provide for our needs in this time.  This epidemic is a reminder that, as much as we might try, we do not control all aspects of our lives. When our worldly plans fizzle out, we are comforted in knowing that God’s love and presence is the constant in our lives.  

God created human beings to interact, to gather, and to worship.  How uplifting it has been to realize that we don’t have to GO to church, to BE the church.  I have witnessed my church family love one another intentionally (and well) during this crisis.  I have seen an appreciation for our medical staff, transportation and sanitation workers, our teachers, and our food suppliers.  God is good and when we put our faith and trust in Him, we have the ability to serve Him regardless of our circumstances.  Perhaps when we stop long enough to look around, we will see His good works in every situation and we will remember where our priorities will bear the most fruit.  

Leanne Calhoun

“But this I call to mind, and therefore I have hope.  The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases; his mercies never come to an end, they are new every morning; great is your faithfulness.” Lamentations 3:21-23